Monday, June 4, 2012

{Tutorial} Gumball Necklaces - Pretty and Yummy!

As I was shopping for gumballs for the upcoming Let's Set Sail birthday party, I spotted these amazing necklaces on Pinterest.   I thought making them would be the perfect summer activity to do with my two girls.  They are all about dressing up so why not dress up your outfit with colorful necklaces too!  I found the tutorial created by A Blissful Nest on one of my favorite blogs Project Nursery and thought it would be fun to share with you.  Looks like I will be ordering more gumballs than I thought!

Here is what you will need:
1. Colorful gumballs
2. Ribbon
3. Metal skewers
4. Embellishments like flowers and ribbons (optional)

 Step 1
 Take your metal skewer and puncture holes in your gumballs.

 Step 2
Wrap the end of your ribbon with tape, and thread ribbon through the gumball.

That’s it! You’re done.

The necklaces are pretty as is.  Flowers were purchased  from the Martha Stewart section of Michaels and attached them for extra embellishment. You can also tie a big ribbon bow on the side or add additional flowers. 

The perfect edible party favors for your sweet little guests!


  1. thank you so much for sharing! Hope you have a wonderful Monday!

  2. This is a wonderful idea. How cute to have kids make them as a craft at a party or even a favor to send home. I love how colorful they are!

  3. So cute! The girls must have loved them! Not sure how I haven't found your blog before, but so thrilled to be a new follower! your work is beautiful!
