Wednesday, October 22, 2014

We're Back! Free Printable Enjoy Today Art Print

Hello friends! 
It seems like forever since my last post.  A lot has happened.  Long story short, my mom became ill in January of this year and was hospitalized.  She was doing better but then had to be readmitted in June and spent over three months in the hospital.  I am thankful that I was able to make trips home to Houston every week with my girls over the summer since they were out of school for summer break.  Having them home with me was much needed as they were a good distraction with everything that was going on.  Now, that we are in full swing with the new school year, getting home to Houston is not as easy. When the girls are at school, thinking about my mom consumes my day.  I think getting back to blogging will be good for me as it will keep me busy.  Thank you to everyone who checked in to see if everything is alright.  Your sweet words mean more than you know.  I look forward to slowly start blogging again bringing new designs, tutorials and inspiration you way.
Starting our first post off with a new free printable. I hope you like it, hang it up and remember to enjoy every day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's illness, Stefanie! I'll be praying for things to get better for your family ... So glad to see you back in the blogging world, though - and this is a super cute printable!! xoxo
